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Sunday, July 27, 2008
Having Sex in public places - Is it acceptable?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Women - Do they have many problems in workplaces?

Now a days there is no difference between the men and women, whether it is developed country or under developing country. Because women too are started to work competitively with men in man workplaces. But the main problem that they face is "Sexual Harassment" in work places. It is a very big problem now in many workplaces and it's emerging very fast in many countries. Due to this the women are getting into various problems and they are getting mentally as well as physically affected. No one is realizing the pain that the women are getting through this. When the solution will come for this? When that day will come? The rules and regulations, are they enough to save us from these kind of things?
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Have a Strangle-hold on your Vision

Vision is the oil that drives the cogs of life. A vision gives purpose to life; it gives us something to look forward to every morning. Likewise, it gives us something to look forward to every evening (at least to see whether we have achieved what we set out to achieve in the morning).
A person who has no vision has, in effect, very little to look forward to. Life to such a person gradually becomes boring and meaningless.
Knowing what you have always wanted to do or to be and holding that picture long enough to work out ways and means to materialize the vision, is simply glorious and mind-settling.
You may have multiple visions but focus on one at a time to get maximum results. Focusing on all of them at the same time is not focusing at all. Focusing needs one to narrow in, pick out the prey and, then, take the calculated plunge.
Eagles to the Rescue
Eagles have strong vision, which focuses up to 5 kilometers from the air. When an eagle sites prey- even a rodent from this distance, he narrows his focus on it and sets out to get it. No matter the obstacle, the eagle will not move his focus from the prey until he grabs it.
Have a vision and remain focused no matter what the obstacle and you will succeed.
Whether we talk about atlanta mortgage loans, or the san diego mortgage loans, both are allowed for dallas investment property but not at the stake of las vegas homes for sale, or their motorcycle insurance.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Be as Wary as an Eagle

When it comes to how we can enhance trust in our relationships with people within and without the office, then, the eagle can teach us a thing or two. This bird takes care of the minutest of detail before committing itself to a cause.
The Eagle tests before it trusts. When a female eagle meets a male and they want to mate, she flies down to earth with the male pursuing her and she picks a twig. She flies back into the air with the male pursuing her.
Once she has reached a height high enough for her, she lets the twig fall to the ground and watches it as it falls. The male chases after the twig. The faster it falls, the faster he chases until he reaches it and has to catch it before it falls to the ground, then bring it back to the female eagle. The female eagle grabs the twig and flies to a much higher altitude pursued by the male until she perceives it high enough, and then drops the twig for the male to chase. This goes on for hours, with the height increasing until the female eagle is assured that the male eagle has mastered the art of picking the twig which shows commitment, then and only then, will she allow him to mate with her!
Whether in private life or in business, one should test the commitment of people intended for partnership.
Food for thought, this. Is it not?
Friday, July 11, 2008
PC Hell: When the Internet Saved me in the Nick of Time
There is nothing as disconcerting (and frightening!) as having to face the prospect of losing all the data you have on your PC due to a computer crash or some other such thing.
Imagine you have worked so hard to put together some information and when you need it “badly” you cannot access it because there is a problem with your computer.
It may be some sort of virus that ventured into your system (because you were careless enough not to use an anti-virus) and it “chewed” your priceless files. Or it may be some other more sinister PC problems.
Three weeks ago I experienced something of the sort that made wish the ground would just open and swallow me alive (of course not literally!).
A lady friend of mine lent me the laptop of her daughter to use and return when her daughter came home for the holidays. Her daughter was away in a boarding school. [Mind you, her daughter’s files were in the hard drive (an 80GB HDD)]
I was very grateful to her and I knew the laptop would make my writing job easier as I could carry it around wherever I went. I was very careful with it and did not dare use a flash or a “suspicious” CD on it.
To download my pieces from the laptop, I would go to an internet café and upload the files to the internet. I would use a flash to carry the pieces from the net to my desktop computer at home. I did not want to take chances with the laptop. You might call me naïve. But then, you would want someone you’ve lent something to be careful with it, wouldn’t you?
Disaster struck, anyway, despite the “elaborate” precaution I had taken.
One day, I was at home writing some of my pieces when out of the blues the screen turned blue. I was jolted. My face flushed and I felt the blood drain from my hands! I had never seen anything like it before.
The screen read, in part: Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. Unmountable Boot Volume …”
I tried to recall what I had done wrong but found nothing in my memory accusing me of any “wrong doing”. I called a friend of mine who is a computer technician and explained to him the symptoms (i.e. the screen error message). He whistled under his breath and said that he was on his way to my place.
On arrival, he listened to the whirring of the hard drive and said it was abnormal. He asked to go with the laptop to his office to check it more closely. I readily agreed.
The following day he called and asked me to go over to his office. I literally scurried to his office. One look at his face told me that all was not well.
He told me that the HDD (Hard Disk Drive) was “fried” and I would have to replace it. Oh my!
“The hard drive is gone, my friend,” he said apologetically. I couldn’t believe my ears.
I just did not have the slightest clue how I would break the bad news to my lady friend. I shuddered at the thought of ever dropping the bombshell on her laps.
Dejectedly and overly worried, I took the laptop and headed home promising my computer friend to get back to him the minute I had come to a decision.
At home, I decided to find out what “Unmountable Boot Volume” means. So I “typed” those words into Google on my internet enabled handset.
The second item in the search results read: “Troubleshooting the Unmountable Boot Volume Error Message in Windows XP.” I quickly clicked on it. What I read put a smile on my lips. It said that the problem could be solved with a few simple steps. [This error message means that Windows XP is having trouble booting from Drive C].
I copied the steps on a piece of paper. The next instant I was heading to the nearby internet café. I needed to start the computer with a Windows XP CD-ROM. The remedy consisted in repairing the installation and checking [using the command chkdsk/r] to repair the hard drive.
I got the CD-ROM, sat in a corner of the room and started following the instructions. And you know what, the remedy worked. I restarted the laptop and it was back to normal again.
I felt like hugging everyone in the room. The results were too good to be believed.
That incident taught me that there is a lot of information around us that can be used to our own advantage but we continue suffering because of lack of knowledge.
If only we knew how to harness all the information at our disposal!
Imagine you have worked so hard to put together some information and when you need it “badly” you cannot access it because there is a problem with your computer.
It may be some sort of virus that ventured into your system (because you were careless enough not to use an anti-virus) and it “chewed” your priceless files. Or it may be some other more sinister PC problems.
Three weeks ago I experienced something of the sort that made wish the ground would just open and swallow me alive (of course not literally!).
A lady friend of mine lent me the laptop of her daughter to use and return when her daughter came home for the holidays. Her daughter was away in a boarding school. [Mind you, her daughter’s files were in the hard drive (an 80GB HDD)]
I was very grateful to her and I knew the laptop would make my writing job easier as I could carry it around wherever I went. I was very careful with it and did not dare use a flash or a “suspicious” CD on it.
To download my pieces from the laptop, I would go to an internet café and upload the files to the internet. I would use a flash to carry the pieces from the net to my desktop computer at home. I did not want to take chances with the laptop. You might call me naïve. But then, you would want someone you’ve lent something to be careful with it, wouldn’t you?
Disaster struck, anyway, despite the “elaborate” precaution I had taken.
One day, I was at home writing some of my pieces when out of the blues the screen turned blue. I was jolted. My face flushed and I felt the blood drain from my hands! I had never seen anything like it before.
The screen read, in part: Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. Unmountable Boot Volume …”
I tried to recall what I had done wrong but found nothing in my memory accusing me of any “wrong doing”. I called a friend of mine who is a computer technician and explained to him the symptoms (i.e. the screen error message). He whistled under his breath and said that he was on his way to my place.
On arrival, he listened to the whirring of the hard drive and said it was abnormal. He asked to go with the laptop to his office to check it more closely. I readily agreed.
The following day he called and asked me to go over to his office. I literally scurried to his office. One look at his face told me that all was not well.
He told me that the HDD (Hard Disk Drive) was “fried” and I would have to replace it. Oh my!
“The hard drive is gone, my friend,” he said apologetically. I couldn’t believe my ears.
I just did not have the slightest clue how I would break the bad news to my lady friend. I shuddered at the thought of ever dropping the bombshell on her laps.
Dejectedly and overly worried, I took the laptop and headed home promising my computer friend to get back to him the minute I had come to a decision.
At home, I decided to find out what “Unmountable Boot Volume” means. So I “typed” those words into Google on my internet enabled handset.
The second item in the search results read: “Troubleshooting the Unmountable Boot Volume Error Message in Windows XP.” I quickly clicked on it. What I read put a smile on my lips. It said that the problem could be solved with a few simple steps. [This error message means that Windows XP is having trouble booting from Drive C].
I copied the steps on a piece of paper. The next instant I was heading to the nearby internet café. I needed to start the computer with a Windows XP CD-ROM. The remedy consisted in repairing the installation and checking [using the command chkdsk/r] to repair the hard drive.
I got the CD-ROM, sat in a corner of the room and started following the instructions. And you know what, the remedy worked. I restarted the laptop and it was back to normal again.
I felt like hugging everyone in the room. The results were too good to be believed.
That incident taught me that there is a lot of information around us that can be used to our own advantage but we continue suffering because of lack of knowledge.
If only we knew how to harness all the information at our disposal!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Familiarity breeds Contempt
At the workplace, just like at any other place where people interact, one needs to employ respect in each dealing with people they come across.
But, alas, such wariness wanes as people get used to one another. In the long run, such familiarity produces the insipid fruit of contempt. Disrespect, though subtle at first, wends its way into the workplace fabric. Within no time, the “innocence” of the workplace is jolted off course.
The dynamics of the “familiarity-breeds-contempt” principle can be well examined at the family level. When a man courts a woman (or vice versa!), he is very respectful, loving and kind. One look at him would lead one to think that he cannot even swat a fly from his own face. Why? He seems to be so humble and kind that he’d never stand the death of a fly (a death occasioned by himself!).
Once the man (or woman) is under their arms, things start to change. The love, care and respect they once had for each other gradually ebbs. The man and woman regard each other just like they would any Tom, Dick and Harry.
They don’t see any special attributes in their mates. Some even go to the extent of doubting whether they made the right decisions about their mates. They say to themselves: “Surely, what did I see in this man (or woman) in the first place? There is nothing special in him!”
In the long run, this lack of regard shows in their treatment of each other. Their talk, love and care become a distant shadow of how they were formerly.
This is the very same thing that is happening in many offices. Work output becomes hard to maximize because of such states of affair.
My suggestions to help prevent the familiarity bug from wrecking havoc at our workplaces :
1. We ought to check the priority ladder in our relationships. This means that we should not go deeper than we ought to.
2. One’s boss or superior at the workplace is not a person one should be familiar with. Familiarity with people higher up the ladder tends to make their work a tad difficult.
3. We should respect our colleagues at work for who they are rather than “measure” the value of someone against the backdrop of their work output. We should always realize that people are human beings first and workplace colleagues second.
Do you guys out there have other suggestions to help efface the “familiarity” vice?
But, alas, such wariness wanes as people get used to one another. In the long run, such familiarity produces the insipid fruit of contempt. Disrespect, though subtle at first, wends its way into the workplace fabric. Within no time, the “innocence” of the workplace is jolted off course.
The dynamics of the “familiarity-breeds-contempt” principle can be well examined at the family level. When a man courts a woman (or vice versa!), he is very respectful, loving and kind. One look at him would lead one to think that he cannot even swat a fly from his own face. Why? He seems to be so humble and kind that he’d never stand the death of a fly (a death occasioned by himself!).
Once the man (or woman) is under their arms, things start to change. The love, care and respect they once had for each other gradually ebbs. The man and woman regard each other just like they would any Tom, Dick and Harry.
They don’t see any special attributes in their mates. Some even go to the extent of doubting whether they made the right decisions about their mates. They say to themselves: “Surely, what did I see in this man (or woman) in the first place? There is nothing special in him!”
In the long run, this lack of regard shows in their treatment of each other. Their talk, love and care become a distant shadow of how they were formerly.
This is the very same thing that is happening in many offices. Work output becomes hard to maximize because of such states of affair.
My suggestions to help prevent the familiarity bug from wrecking havoc at our workplaces :
1. We ought to check the priority ladder in our relationships. This means that we should not go deeper than we ought to.
2. One’s boss or superior at the workplace is not a person one should be familiar with. Familiarity with people higher up the ladder tends to make their work a tad difficult.
3. We should respect our colleagues at work for who they are rather than “measure” the value of someone against the backdrop of their work output. We should always realize that people are human beings first and workplace colleagues second.
Do you guys out there have other suggestions to help efface the “familiarity” vice?
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