Heading off to another conference and dreading the schmoozing scene? It might help to know that networking is a critical element of a successful job search. In fact, there is a lot of truth to the saying, "It's all in who you know." In this articles we'll highlight the key things you need to know about networking and how to use this skill to your advantage.
Many jobs, particularly high-level and executive, fill through word of mouth, rather than through traditional channels. A solid grasp of networking basics keeps you in the loop and helps avoid the urge to skip networking opportunities.
Network here, there, and everywhere
Conferences and seminars are great places to meet influential people, but making contacts doesn't necessarily have to take place in hotel conference rooms. Day-to-day functions and events in your current job, as well as during free time, offer many opportunities to meet important people. An invitation you received to your neighbor's holiday party could be the perfect chance to meet that CEO or HR manager living around the block. Don't hesitate to ask others what they do for a living and reciprocate. If you'd don't let others know about your career, you're not making progress.
In this age of technology, your laptop is an invaluable friend when it comes to job searching. With a little Internet surfing, you will find an abundance of message boards and chat rooms that are industry-specific and provide not only the advice of other professionals, but also contacts that could prove useful down the road. Over time, networking helps you build a list of valuable contacts. Put yourself out there and see the results.
Networking is not a bad word
Some people dread the idea of networking because they equate it with "schmoozing" or "sucking up," but it is simply a process of getting to know people. If you are friendly and good at making small talk in social and work-related settings, then your list of "Who's Who" will grow quickly! Don't stress yourself by the idea of having to be "on" and making a good impression.
Basic social skills will get you through your first few rounds of networking, and while you may not impress everyone you meet, you can avoid leaving bad impressions altogether by doing your best to make sure people remember your name. Rehearse your "elevator pitch" about what you do. This can help if you're nervous or uncomfortable promoting yourself. What are the three most important parts of your career, yourself as a person? Having these things at your ready can go a long way in promoting yourself effectively.
Try sticking with these basics:
Relax. People can tell if you are nervous or anxious, but you don't need to be - most of them are doing the same thing as you. Don't get hung up on titles. For the most part, everyone is approachable, and if they aren't, move on.
Be yourself. You know how to talk to people. Don't over think it. Talk about whatever makes sense. Wander the room, hit the buffet, do what seems natural. Inevitably, a situation will arise where you can break the ice and start a conversation. There is always something to talk about, even the weather!
Make eye contact and smile. It makes you appear sincere and interested. If you come across as distracted, or let your attention wander, it will show and it is downhill from there.
Be polite. Put your best manners on display. Be a good listener and don't interrupt. Avoid making rude or biased comments, and end conversations gracefully. If you've done the job right, you might even score a business card before you go.
Follow up. If you connected with someone and discussed the possibility of working together, follow up with him or her a few days later. Schedule lunch or arrange a formal meeting to discuss future endeavors.
If you leave a function empty-handed, don't be discouraged. You win some, you lose some. There will be other opportunities to meet people and hone your networking skills. The key is to keep going. Each time you place yourself in a situation and are ready to discuss your career, your future, or your skills, you are opening up numerous possibilities for your future.
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Friday, August 28, 2009
Developing An Affiliate Program For Your Website
One of the best ways to improve traffic to your website is with the help of targeted websites who earn money promoting other peoples products. One of the websites I work on generates more than 35% of its revenue from other sites selling their products and services. If developed correctly, affiliate programs can have a significant impact on your revenue.
What Is and Affililate Program?
An affiliate program is a way for you to sell your products through other websites. Essentially the process is simple. You provide another website with the necessary promotional items to sell your product(s). However, the affiliate never takes actually inventory of the product you are selling.
A great example of this is the website that sells mystery novels. For this example, let’s call the primary website Mystery Novels Central dot com. The website provides an affiliate website (affiliatewebsite1) with some banners and buttons promoting mystery novels. When a browser of affiliatewebsite1 clicks on the banner, it redirects him to Mystery Novels Central dot com. If the user purchases a novel, Mystery Novels Central dot comp pays affiliatewebstie1 a percentage of the sale – also known as a commission.
How Do Affiliate Programs Work?
When your promotional assets are placed on another website, each asset has a tracking URL. This tracking URL is invisible to the browser but keeps track of his activities. When he passes through the purchase process and receives a payment confirmation page, additional tracking code confirms a sale. This information is captured and tracked back to the initiator of the sale (i.e. the affiliate).
In its most simple form, an affiliate program works like a real life sales force. Imagine having sales reps spread our across the Internet selling your product to each of their new and existing customers. Each time that sales rep sells your product, you fulfill the order and pay the rep a small commission. In a nutshell that’s an affiliate program.
How Can I Start My Own Affiliate Program?
You can start your own affiliate program in a variety of ways. One of the most simple methods is to use and affiliate marketplace like ClickBank or PayDotCom. These affiliate sites aggregate many affiliate products. For a small fee, and sometimes simply a percentage of the sale without an upfront fee, you can join their program.
When you join, you agree to let the marketplace add your product to a list of products that third party websites can promote. When you do so, you also agree to let the affiliate marketplace (ClickBank or PayDotCom) receive a percentage of each sale. Remember, you will also have to pay a commission to the actual affiliate website that promotes and sells your product. The fees can add up quickly but are worthwhile if your product has a good margin.
There are other programs from well established companies like Commission Junction, but they charge a significant fee for joining and a larger percentage of each sale. For those starting out, CB or PayDotCom is your best choice.
What I particularly like about affiliate programs is the scale you can achieve. Affiliate programs are relatively easy to set up and can have a significant impact on your top line. If you have a product to sell and haven’t started using affiliates to promote your program, get started today.
What Is and Affililate Program?
An affiliate program is a way for you to sell your products through other websites. Essentially the process is simple. You provide another website with the necessary promotional items to sell your product(s). However, the affiliate never takes actually inventory of the product you are selling.
A great example of this is the website that sells mystery novels. For this example, let’s call the primary website Mystery Novels Central dot com. The website provides an affiliate website (affiliatewebsite1) with some banners and buttons promoting mystery novels. When a browser of affiliatewebsite1 clicks on the banner, it redirects him to Mystery Novels Central dot com. If the user purchases a novel, Mystery Novels Central dot comp pays affiliatewebstie1 a percentage of the sale – also known as a commission.
How Do Affiliate Programs Work?
When your promotional assets are placed on another website, each asset has a tracking URL. This tracking URL is invisible to the browser but keeps track of his activities. When he passes through the purchase process and receives a payment confirmation page, additional tracking code confirms a sale. This information is captured and tracked back to the initiator of the sale (i.e. the affiliate).
In its most simple form, an affiliate program works like a real life sales force. Imagine having sales reps spread our across the Internet selling your product to each of their new and existing customers. Each time that sales rep sells your product, you fulfill the order and pay the rep a small commission. In a nutshell that’s an affiliate program.
How Can I Start My Own Affiliate Program?
You can start your own affiliate program in a variety of ways. One of the most simple methods is to use and affiliate marketplace like ClickBank or PayDotCom. These affiliate sites aggregate many affiliate products. For a small fee, and sometimes simply a percentage of the sale without an upfront fee, you can join their program.
When you join, you agree to let the marketplace add your product to a list of products that third party websites can promote. When you do so, you also agree to let the affiliate marketplace (ClickBank or PayDotCom) receive a percentage of each sale. Remember, you will also have to pay a commission to the actual affiliate website that promotes and sells your product. The fees can add up quickly but are worthwhile if your product has a good margin.
There are other programs from well established companies like Commission Junction, but they charge a significant fee for joining and a larger percentage of each sale. For those starting out, CB or PayDotCom is your best choice.
What I particularly like about affiliate programs is the scale you can achieve. Affiliate programs are relatively easy to set up and can have a significant impact on your top line. If you have a product to sell and haven’t started using affiliates to promote your program, get started today.
Doing your Business a whole world of good: Tips
You have carefully studied your target market. All aspects of your brand creation have received extra scrutiny. With the perfect slogan, logo and sales copy you feel quite good. However, unless effectively communicated, none of it is worth a thing.
Many companies learn the hard way that creation of the brand is only the first step. Ultimate success is dictated by your ability to instill awareness of your brand within the marketplace. There are now a multitude of mediums which can be utilized towards this end. They range from avenues which have existed since the dawn of time to the most cutting edge SEO wizardry.
Advertising Online Can Work Just Fine
Today's interactive world presents many possibilities for increasing your brand's awareness. Banner ads can be purchased on appropriate sites. Cross promotional arrangements can be hatched.
Ranging from search engine optimization of your own site to affinity programs with other sites, the avenues are endless. Most brands recognize an online presence is paramount to success in commerce today.
Also powerful are today's social networking sites. These, in addition to niche forums, provide a great place to form relationships with potential customers. By being helpful and a good source of information online you are able to engender trust and familiarity with your brand.
Don't Bail On Good Old Snail Mail
Many companies become so focused on the interactive world that they end up neglecting many tried and true marketing methods. Booklet printing can prove to be cost effective against other forms of marketing. Targeted mailings of informative literature goes a long way to building your brand. Those with a wide range of products find catalog printing to also be an efficient use of marketing resources.
Other basics like custom business cards are also useful. First impressions are enhanced with a creative business card. Each point of contact with potential customers presents an opportunity for improving your brand equity.
Broadcast Your Brand Throughout The Land
Traditional print, radio and television mediums have become quite affordable for targeted marketing. Of course, as a small business owner you can not afford prime time television advertising. However, many opportunities now exist for last minute purchases which can be quite economical.
If appropriately directed at your niche audience these avenues can prove to be the most fruitful. No weapon within a marketer's arsenal is out of the reach of today's small business owner.
Keep It Real After The Deal
Branding doesn't end upon finalization of the sale. Good customer service translates to repeat buyers. A quality product or service is a selling point in and of itself. Protecting your brand equity requires you to ensure happy customers.
Many companies learn the hard way that creation of the brand is only the first step. Ultimate success is dictated by your ability to instill awareness of your brand within the marketplace. There are now a multitude of mediums which can be utilized towards this end. They range from avenues which have existed since the dawn of time to the most cutting edge SEO wizardry.
Advertising Online Can Work Just Fine
Today's interactive world presents many possibilities for increasing your brand's awareness. Banner ads can be purchased on appropriate sites. Cross promotional arrangements can be hatched.
Ranging from search engine optimization of your own site to affinity programs with other sites, the avenues are endless. Most brands recognize an online presence is paramount to success in commerce today.
Also powerful are today's social networking sites. These, in addition to niche forums, provide a great place to form relationships with potential customers. By being helpful and a good source of information online you are able to engender trust and familiarity with your brand.
Don't Bail On Good Old Snail Mail
Many companies become so focused on the interactive world that they end up neglecting many tried and true marketing methods. Booklet printing can prove to be cost effective against other forms of marketing. Targeted mailings of informative literature goes a long way to building your brand. Those with a wide range of products find catalog printing to also be an efficient use of marketing resources.
Other basics like custom business cards are also useful. First impressions are enhanced with a creative business card. Each point of contact with potential customers presents an opportunity for improving your brand equity.
Broadcast Your Brand Throughout The Land
Traditional print, radio and television mediums have become quite affordable for targeted marketing. Of course, as a small business owner you can not afford prime time television advertising. However, many opportunities now exist for last minute purchases which can be quite economical.
If appropriately directed at your niche audience these avenues can prove to be the most fruitful. No weapon within a marketer's arsenal is out of the reach of today's small business owner.
Keep It Real After The Deal
Branding doesn't end upon finalization of the sale. Good customer service translates to repeat buyers. A quality product or service is a selling point in and of itself. Protecting your brand equity requires you to ensure happy customers.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Unblocked popups
Nowadays internet has become a vital part in our life with the massive help of web designing and web sites. But at the same time we are facing many problems with some sites, where many poups will come and we should block it from our browser. So for this we will try some solution for this by reviewing about the site named hovclick.com. It is a free service which allows website owners to create un-blockable pop-ups within their website. It will remove a link back to hovclick.com in the title of the pop-up. Some hesitate at the word pop-up, but these are designed by the website owner to incorporate branding, as well as guide the visitor to special areas within the site. We can use for possible thing slike to create attention to a new service, product or upcoming event, to announce a sale or coupon and to increase newsletter subscriptions. Just try this site and start to realize the re-invention of pop up ads. I hope that this site will help you all a lot to implemet the concept of unblocked pop ups in your websites. By incorporating hovClick on your website, you can pass along any message with your companies branding, as well as moderating the amount of times you chose to have a popup on your site. So try their services and increase your business through the internet.
Internet set top box
Today with the help of internet, everything has become easy including shopping, selling etc. One can able to buy any stuff he wants from the internet through e-Shopping. Thus the invasion of internet has made a revolution and becomes a necessary one for him, throughout his life. Among much stuff available in the internet, only few will be very much helpful for us and FyreTV is one among them. It is an internet set top box of its kind that gives you access to the finest videos in the internet. This small black box helps us to watch movies without downloading it from the internet. So adults can make use of these type of Adult TV like Apple TV to watch all the videos available in the internet. It is also easy to connect the set top box with your internet connection and favorite TV set. It is also possible for everyone to make use of the simple WiFi setup once you connect to your television and turn on the system. Thus using the FyreTV is very much easy compared to other set top boxes. They provide this service to people, who are living in every part of world for a low cost and high quality. So every adult can make use of it and have a great fun.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Dressing for a Job Interview
Are you ready to move on, move up, and get on with your career? Maybe you have just received that hard earned business degree, or decided it's time to change companies for a better career position. In either case, it is very important to dress for success when going on job interviews.
When buying professional attire, whether you are a man or a woman, keep in mind what works for you. You want to give the impression of strength and confidence as you stride through the door to that all important interviews that could change your future dressed for success. Imagine feeling your confidence build as you shake hands with the CEO or office manager who holds your future in his or her hand.
Use your sense of individuality, choosing a suit that is attention grabbing yet comfortable. You don't want to be ill at ease or uncomfortable while trying to concentrate on making a good impression on your job interview. Dressing for job interviews does not have to be a daunting task. Think of yourself dressed in a conservative, appealing, and vibrant suit emanating vibes of professionalism. Choose fabrics and styles that you can wear effortlessly, giving you that polished look.
Think of your business wardrobe as a shrewd investment. Consider the three piece suit, the pantsuit, or the trouser and jacket you choose as your secret weapon to success. Buying a business wardrobe is not just another day at the store, picking through the racks for the best deals.
Shopping for women's business wear or men's suits is as important as the job interview itself.
The way you present yourself and the first impression you make on a potential employer will decide if you go on the second or third interview. Keep in mind that most employers today, call back job candidates as many as five times and sometimes even more, especially if it is a high-profile position. Be prepared for call back interviews by knowing what to look for in affordable business fashion and purchasing a few tasteful pieces rather than a wardrobe full of mix and match or lackluster clothing.
You can't beat the classic look of a dynamic pinstripe suit, or a more scholarly look with a blazer and crisp trousers. These looks are ideal for both men and women today. Choose a wardrobe with pieces that have withstood the test of time like subtle colored business suits in navy, gray, tweed, or hound's-tooth.
You will glow with confidence when dressing for success with the classic strength of the streamlined business suit. There is no reason why you can't look sensational when dressing for job interviews.
When buying professional attire, whether you are a man or a woman, keep in mind what works for you. You want to give the impression of strength and confidence as you stride through the door to that all important interviews that could change your future dressed for success. Imagine feeling your confidence build as you shake hands with the CEO or office manager who holds your future in his or her hand.
Use your sense of individuality, choosing a suit that is attention grabbing yet comfortable. You don't want to be ill at ease or uncomfortable while trying to concentrate on making a good impression on your job interview. Dressing for job interviews does not have to be a daunting task. Think of yourself dressed in a conservative, appealing, and vibrant suit emanating vibes of professionalism. Choose fabrics and styles that you can wear effortlessly, giving you that polished look.
Think of your business wardrobe as a shrewd investment. Consider the three piece suit, the pantsuit, or the trouser and jacket you choose as your secret weapon to success. Buying a business wardrobe is not just another day at the store, picking through the racks for the best deals.
Shopping for women's business wear or men's suits is as important as the job interview itself.
The way you present yourself and the first impression you make on a potential employer will decide if you go on the second or third interview. Keep in mind that most employers today, call back job candidates as many as five times and sometimes even more, especially if it is a high-profile position. Be prepared for call back interviews by knowing what to look for in affordable business fashion and purchasing a few tasteful pieces rather than a wardrobe full of mix and match or lackluster clothing.
You can't beat the classic look of a dynamic pinstripe suit, or a more scholarly look with a blazer and crisp trousers. These looks are ideal for both men and women today. Choose a wardrobe with pieces that have withstood the test of time like subtle colored business suits in navy, gray, tweed, or hound's-tooth.
You will glow with confidence when dressing for success with the classic strength of the streamlined business suit. There is no reason why you can't look sensational when dressing for job interviews.
Taking Interviews
Stress-free Job Interviews
There's an important interview issue that's often overlooked. Interview preparation isn't just down to you; it's not a one-way street. The outcome rests just as much on your interviewer's approach as the quality of your answers. So what happens when the interviewer doesn't follow the rules? Can you win the battle of wits with an interviewer determined to find your Achilles heel? Is it possible to change the mind of an interviewer who knows they want to hire the person they saw just five minutes ago?
The truth is, it is. The trick is knowing how to cope with whatever style your interviewer throws at you. From the 'made their mind up already' interviewer to the 'chatty interviewer' - who talks but doesn't really ask questions, you can prepare yourself and cope with any of the questions thrown at you.
The 'made their mind up already' interviewer should be tackled directly but politely. If you know you're up against a known internal candidate or if the interviewer makes a remark about your experience that suggests he/she has seen more experienced people then ask them what exactly they're looking for and who their ideal candidate is. Then reply, point by point, demonstrating you have all those attributes. Another good trick is to wait until the end of the interview and ask the interviewer what reservations they have about your application - you can then at least refute these (logically and calmly of course) and give yourself a fighting chance.
Chatty interviewers, although they sound easy going, can be the worst. The problem is they're so busy talking about the role they don't gain any clear sense of your abilities as a potential employee. If you're faced with someone like this you'll have to work hard to turn their focus back onto you, either by asking them questions like "how would my experience benefit the type of department you're describing?" or by being a bit more direct, for example "do you have any questions about my experience of doing X as I imagine that would be a big part of this accountancy role?"
Obviously, the biggest key to successfully winning through a tricky interview is to be ultra prepared. This may sound like a lot of hard work but the key is to not forget the basics! In an interview situation these can range from ensuring you know the exact time and location beforehand to knowing who you're be interviewed by and pronouncing their name properly.
Even in these days of business casual always wear a suit. As soon as you enter the building conduct yourself as if you were a potential employee. Be polite to everyone you meet from the receptionist/security guard onwards. Stand up when the interviewer enters the room and shake hands firmly. Finally, and although this may not seem obvious - never lie!
Job interviews can be nerve-racking. But just remember that whether you’re interviewing for work experience or for a fantastic finance job, preparation will always lead to success.
The truth is, it is. The trick is knowing how to cope with whatever style your interviewer throws at you. From the 'made their mind up already' interviewer to the 'chatty interviewer' - who talks but doesn't really ask questions, you can prepare yourself and cope with any of the questions thrown at you.
The 'made their mind up already' interviewer should be tackled directly but politely. If you know you're up against a known internal candidate or if the interviewer makes a remark about your experience that suggests he/she has seen more experienced people then ask them what exactly they're looking for and who their ideal candidate is. Then reply, point by point, demonstrating you have all those attributes. Another good trick is to wait until the end of the interview and ask the interviewer what reservations they have about your application - you can then at least refute these (logically and calmly of course) and give yourself a fighting chance.
Chatty interviewers, although they sound easy going, can be the worst. The problem is they're so busy talking about the role they don't gain any clear sense of your abilities as a potential employee. If you're faced with someone like this you'll have to work hard to turn their focus back onto you, either by asking them questions like "how would my experience benefit the type of department you're describing?" or by being a bit more direct, for example "do you have any questions about my experience of doing X as I imagine that would be a big part of this accountancy role?"
Obviously, the biggest key to successfully winning through a tricky interview is to be ultra prepared. This may sound like a lot of hard work but the key is to not forget the basics! In an interview situation these can range from ensuring you know the exact time and location beforehand to knowing who you're be interviewed by and pronouncing their name properly.
Even in these days of business casual always wear a suit. As soon as you enter the building conduct yourself as if you were a potential employee. Be polite to everyone you meet from the receptionist/security guard onwards. Stand up when the interviewer enters the room and shake hands firmly. Finally, and although this may not seem obvious - never lie!
Job interviews can be nerve-racking. But just remember that whether you’re interviewing for work experience or for a fantastic finance job, preparation will always lead to success.
Taking Interviews
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Choosing an Internet Marketing Course
If you are serious about making money online, it is essential that you choose the right internet marketing course. Selecting a good course is very important because, if a chosen course is unable to equip you with the basic tools to be successful, then it is obviously hard to get started in a well-paying career.
Things To Look Out For
Here are a few facts you have to consider before choosing an internet marketing course:
- How comprehensive is the course?
Make sure that the course covers all the basics of internet marketing so that you get a good understanding of how everything works. The course must offer valuable guidance on writing articles for free advertising of products and must also point you to good sites to post these articles.
- Does the course include SEO techniques?
SEO refers to Search Engine Optimization. It simply refers to proven techniques that may be used to make your website among the top listed sites in search results. An internet marketing course that offers great tips on SEO will teach you how to achieve the top spots for the keywords that you use in articles.
- Will the course teach you about PPC?
A quality course will also discuss about PPC or Pay Per Click. You can waste lots of effort and money if you do not know the basics of PPC campaigns. The right course will teach you how to write effective ad copy that will persuade people to click on your ads and purchase products.
- Does the course feature a forum?
Forums are great since they allow you to post questions to experts in the field. Make sure that your internet marketing course offers access to a forum. You can learn a lot from these forums and get valuable tips since you get feedback from internet marketers who have been engaged in online marketing for some time. Forums are a great way to learn from the mistakes of others.
The Cost Factor
The cost of marketing programs varies widely. There are plenty of online courses with different mode of payment. Most courses require you to pay a one-time membership fee. You may then enjoy unlimited access to regularly updated course materials. This price option is a good choice considering the value of materials you can continue to access.
Before paying for an internet marketing course, ensure that the course comes with a money-back guarantee. Usually the money back guarantee period is 30 days. However, this time period is often not adequate to learn, implement and test the marketing strategies. It is highly recommended that you go for courses with longer periods of money-back guarantee. If you take time to research well, you are sure to come across a good course with a lifetime money-back guarantee.
Another option would be to choose courses that offer a free trial period. Such courses are also very good options since they allow you to actually try them without investing anything at all.
As the internet continues to evolve, it is up to you to find the right internet marketing course that will help you keep pace with those changes and effectively enhance your marketing efforts.
Things To Look Out For
Here are a few facts you have to consider before choosing an internet marketing course:
- How comprehensive is the course?
Make sure that the course covers all the basics of internet marketing so that you get a good understanding of how everything works. The course must offer valuable guidance on writing articles for free advertising of products and must also point you to good sites to post these articles.
- Does the course include SEO techniques?
SEO refers to Search Engine Optimization. It simply refers to proven techniques that may be used to make your website among the top listed sites in search results. An internet marketing course that offers great tips on SEO will teach you how to achieve the top spots for the keywords that you use in articles.
- Will the course teach you about PPC?
A quality course will also discuss about PPC or Pay Per Click. You can waste lots of effort and money if you do not know the basics of PPC campaigns. The right course will teach you how to write effective ad copy that will persuade people to click on your ads and purchase products.
- Does the course feature a forum?
Forums are great since they allow you to post questions to experts in the field. Make sure that your internet marketing course offers access to a forum. You can learn a lot from these forums and get valuable tips since you get feedback from internet marketers who have been engaged in online marketing for some time. Forums are a great way to learn from the mistakes of others.
The Cost Factor
The cost of marketing programs varies widely. There are plenty of online courses with different mode of payment. Most courses require you to pay a one-time membership fee. You may then enjoy unlimited access to regularly updated course materials. This price option is a good choice considering the value of materials you can continue to access.
Before paying for an internet marketing course, ensure that the course comes with a money-back guarantee. Usually the money back guarantee period is 30 days. However, this time period is often not adequate to learn, implement and test the marketing strategies. It is highly recommended that you go for courses with longer periods of money-back guarantee. If you take time to research well, you are sure to come across a good course with a lifetime money-back guarantee.
Another option would be to choose courses that offer a free trial period. Such courses are also very good options since they allow you to actually try them without investing anything at all.
As the internet continues to evolve, it is up to you to find the right internet marketing course that will help you keep pace with those changes and effectively enhance your marketing efforts.
Job Interview Questions
Interview questions are designed to rate the skills and personality of a job applicant. There are different types of interview questions which aim to measure the qualifications of an applicant. Learn more on the different types of interview questions.
Companies utilize a set of interview questions as a tool to analyze the qualities of a job applicant for a certain position required by the company. These questions are specifically designed to thoroughly get substantial information from an applicant to know whether he is qualified for the job. Interview questions are also used to validate the information contained in the applicant’s curriculum vitae or resume.
An interviewer prepares a set of interview questions which he asks to all applicants. He will then compare the answers given him and gauge from here who the most qualified applicant is. It is the human resource department who usually prepares these questions. and they have set a standard set of answers also to measure the qualifications of every applicant.
Interview questions vary depending on the company’s preference and needs. There are no standards or patterns in these types of questions. Basically there are different types of interview questions which job applicants may encounter during interviews. These types of interview questions are have their specific objectives pertaining to the different qualities of the job applicant.
Credential Authentication Questions
This type of interview question aims to gather enough information on the applicant’s previous background. Common question includes “How long have you worked at the company?”
Work Experience Questions
These types of questions aim to evaluate a job applicants’ working experience with previous employers. It raises questions related to duties and responsibilities performed with the previous work.
Work Competency Questions
The most common questions with this type includes, “Could you provide examples of your qualities as a leader?” or “Elaborate on how you have provided solutions on certain problems in your work?” The main purpose of this type of question is to measure the behavior and the competency of the applicant which can contribute to the position being applied for.
Opinion Questions
In some cases, interviewers would raise opinion questions to see how an applicant responds to certain scenarios. The interviewer usually provides an example scenario wherein he will ask questions like “If you encountered this problem, what would you do? What are your strategies?” In this type of question, the interviewer may ask the applicant on his or her strength and weaknesses.
Dumb Questions
Some interviewers use dumb questions just to test the applicant’s ability to think instantly. This type of question does not have any right or wrong answers. Some of the common questions used are “What is the color which represents your personality?” “If you were given a chance, what animal do you like to be, and why?”
Mathematical Questions
Mathematical questions are basically given in order to measure the mental quickness of the applicant. It also evaluates the ability of formulating mathematical procedure. It also measures how alert an applicant is in mental thought processes.
Case Questions
Case questions are designed to rate the problem solving capability of an applicant in certain situations. Examples of questions used includes “What is your forecast with regards to online retailing?” or “How many gas companies in the European region?”
Behavioral Questions
This type of question is usually used by many companies. Most companies give greater importance on the behavior of its applicants rather than the skills because they believe that an applicant with good behavior can be trained in terms of skills. It is basically designed to predict the future behavior of an applicant by basing it with its past behaviors. Questions used with the interview include “Give specific experiences of how you have handled such situations. What are the specific steps you have implemented in order to finish the task?”
As a job applicant, it is best to be well prepared before any job interview. As much as possible, review the contents of your resume. When undergoing an interview, you must have self confidence and answer questions in a relaxed manner.
Companies utilize a set of interview questions as a tool to analyze the qualities of a job applicant for a certain position required by the company. These questions are specifically designed to thoroughly get substantial information from an applicant to know whether he is qualified for the job. Interview questions are also used to validate the information contained in the applicant’s curriculum vitae or resume.
An interviewer prepares a set of interview questions which he asks to all applicants. He will then compare the answers given him and gauge from here who the most qualified applicant is. It is the human resource department who usually prepares these questions. and they have set a standard set of answers also to measure the qualifications of every applicant.
Interview questions vary depending on the company’s preference and needs. There are no standards or patterns in these types of questions. Basically there are different types of interview questions which job applicants may encounter during interviews. These types of interview questions are have their specific objectives pertaining to the different qualities of the job applicant.
Credential Authentication Questions
This type of interview question aims to gather enough information on the applicant’s previous background. Common question includes “How long have you worked at the company?”
Work Experience Questions
These types of questions aim to evaluate a job applicants’ working experience with previous employers. It raises questions related to duties and responsibilities performed with the previous work.
Work Competency Questions
The most common questions with this type includes, “Could you provide examples of your qualities as a leader?” or “Elaborate on how you have provided solutions on certain problems in your work?” The main purpose of this type of question is to measure the behavior and the competency of the applicant which can contribute to the position being applied for.
Opinion Questions
In some cases, interviewers would raise opinion questions to see how an applicant responds to certain scenarios. The interviewer usually provides an example scenario wherein he will ask questions like “If you encountered this problem, what would you do? What are your strategies?” In this type of question, the interviewer may ask the applicant on his or her strength and weaknesses.
Dumb Questions
Some interviewers use dumb questions just to test the applicant’s ability to think instantly. This type of question does not have any right or wrong answers. Some of the common questions used are “What is the color which represents your personality?” “If you were given a chance, what animal do you like to be, and why?”
Mathematical Questions
Mathematical questions are basically given in order to measure the mental quickness of the applicant. It also evaluates the ability of formulating mathematical procedure. It also measures how alert an applicant is in mental thought processes.
Case Questions
Case questions are designed to rate the problem solving capability of an applicant in certain situations. Examples of questions used includes “What is your forecast with regards to online retailing?” or “How many gas companies in the European region?”
Behavioral Questions
This type of question is usually used by many companies. Most companies give greater importance on the behavior of its applicants rather than the skills because they believe that an applicant with good behavior can be trained in terms of skills. It is basically designed to predict the future behavior of an applicant by basing it with its past behaviors. Questions used with the interview include “Give specific experiences of how you have handled such situations. What are the specific steps you have implemented in order to finish the task?”
As a job applicant, it is best to be well prepared before any job interview. As much as possible, review the contents of your resume. When undergoing an interview, you must have self confidence and answer questions in a relaxed manner.
Taking Interviews
Changing Careers - Way to go!
Rarely is the decision to change careers made without some anxiety and doubt to accompany it. It's such a life-altering decision that even those who are bursting with excitement to launch a new career sometimes feel overwhelmed by the obstacles and "what ifs" along the way.
"Changing careers can feel like you're standing in the vortex of a tornado. You're watching thousands of things swirl by, you can't see anything very clearly, and you're very hesitant to take a step in any particular direction. Too often, this uncertainty is all it takes to keep someone chained to a career that makes him or her miserable," says Katy Piotrowski, author of "The Career Coward's Guide to Changing Careers."
Piotrowski has observed hundreds of career changers and says that it's natural to run into roadblocks. "Remember, your goal is to find a career that offers what you want and need. It may take awhile to discover the right solution for you, and you may have to change your course a few times, but that's okay. If you persist in your pursuit for the right fit, new, more realistic options will soon become apparent."
Below are three common career-change roadblocks and Piotrowski's tips for approaching them:
Will changing careers significantly lower your earnings?
Before scrapping your interest in a particular career because of its lower income, Piotrowski suggests you do the following:
· Do some research to find out how professionals in that field make it work for them. Do they have multiple jobs? Expand their work areas to generate more income? "For example, my neighbor is a potter. In addition to making and selling beautiful wares, he teaches pottery-making lessons," says Piotrowski.
· Assess what the likelihood may be that you could eventually earn enough income within a reasonable amount of time.
· Consider cutting your expenses and banking the money saved before making the career change to see if you can survive on that level of pay.
· Keep in mind that the skills you've earned in former careers will help you progress faster than someone with less experience and may allow you to earn better pay more quickly than the average worker in your new career field.
Don't have the right education or training?
"A lack of a certification or degree can be a maddening roadblock for career changers. Rather than throw away an excellent career possibility, consider these avenues to work around or through such barriers," Piotrowski says.
Begin at the bottom. Beginning in an entry-level position makes it easier to get started in your chosen field. Once you're in, you will be more likely to discover avenues to obtain the training you need, and may even be able to have your employer pay for it.
Aim for a position that requires less training. "For example, if you want to be a physical therapist, but don't want to complete several years of college to get your degree, you could become a physical therapy technician instead. Frequently, technicians can be trained on-the-job or with just a year or two of formal instruction."
Torn between two or more careers?When it comes to choosing between multiple career passions, there's no rule that says people must pick one or the other. Below are Piotrowski's suggestions for juggling multiple career-change opportunities:
· Create a "muffin tin" career. "Typically, when you think of having a career, you imagine it to be a single profession that you immerse yourself in and develop over time. Another possibility is to select more than one career and to execute them simultaneously. So, instead of developing a single 'loaf' of a career, you might create several 'muffins,'" Piotrowski explains.
· Become a serial careerist. If the "muffin tin" approach is too scattered for your tastes, consider committing to one career for a few years, then pursuing another, and perhaps another. There's no rule that says you have to stick with one specialty your entire life.
"Changing careers can feel like you're standing in the vortex of a tornado. You're watching thousands of things swirl by, you can't see anything very clearly, and you're very hesitant to take a step in any particular direction. Too often, this uncertainty is all it takes to keep someone chained to a career that makes him or her miserable," says Katy Piotrowski, author of "The Career Coward's Guide to Changing Careers."
Piotrowski has observed hundreds of career changers and says that it's natural to run into roadblocks. "Remember, your goal is to find a career that offers what you want and need. It may take awhile to discover the right solution for you, and you may have to change your course a few times, but that's okay. If you persist in your pursuit for the right fit, new, more realistic options will soon become apparent."
Below are three common career-change roadblocks and Piotrowski's tips for approaching them:
Will changing careers significantly lower your earnings?
Before scrapping your interest in a particular career because of its lower income, Piotrowski suggests you do the following:
· Do some research to find out how professionals in that field make it work for them. Do they have multiple jobs? Expand their work areas to generate more income? "For example, my neighbor is a potter. In addition to making and selling beautiful wares, he teaches pottery-making lessons," says Piotrowski.
· Assess what the likelihood may be that you could eventually earn enough income within a reasonable amount of time.
· Consider cutting your expenses and banking the money saved before making the career change to see if you can survive on that level of pay.
· Keep in mind that the skills you've earned in former careers will help you progress faster than someone with less experience and may allow you to earn better pay more quickly than the average worker in your new career field.
Don't have the right education or training?
"A lack of a certification or degree can be a maddening roadblock for career changers. Rather than throw away an excellent career possibility, consider these avenues to work around or through such barriers," Piotrowski says.
Begin at the bottom. Beginning in an entry-level position makes it easier to get started in your chosen field. Once you're in, you will be more likely to discover avenues to obtain the training you need, and may even be able to have your employer pay for it.
Aim for a position that requires less training. "For example, if you want to be a physical therapist, but don't want to complete several years of college to get your degree, you could become a physical therapy technician instead. Frequently, technicians can be trained on-the-job or with just a year or two of formal instruction."
Torn between two or more careers?When it comes to choosing between multiple career passions, there's no rule that says people must pick one or the other. Below are Piotrowski's suggestions for juggling multiple career-change opportunities:
· Create a "muffin tin" career. "Typically, when you think of having a career, you imagine it to be a single profession that you immerse yourself in and develop over time. Another possibility is to select more than one career and to execute them simultaneously. So, instead of developing a single 'loaf' of a career, you might create several 'muffins,'" Piotrowski explains.
· Become a serial careerist. If the "muffin tin" approach is too scattered for your tastes, consider committing to one career for a few years, then pursuing another, and perhaps another. There's no rule that says you have to stick with one specialty your entire life.
Saturday, August 01, 2009
>>Phone Interview Questions - Common Questions To Expect
It's quite normal for companies to have an initial interview over the phone. It's a lot quicker and it saves them money. Thankfully it's not too difficult to prepare for phone interview questions.
Let's face it. There are a lot of unemployed and few jobs going so preparing for your phone interview will put you ahead of the crowd. Most people are lazy and don't prepare for the interview. That gives you a great advantage.
Here are some common questions to expect.
Tell us a little about yourself.
This is the standard warming up question. Just remember this isn't an invitation to tell your life story. They don't want to hear about your love of football and choice of music. Keep to your job experience and responsibilities. You can finish off with a little more personal information if you wish.
Why do you wish to work for the new company?
You must know something about the new company. Spend a little time looking into it and think of some good reasons you'd like to work there. Try and keep them to benefits of the company's business and not things that would be good for you.
Companies don't like to hear you want to work for them because you live nearby and wouldn't have to commute across town or because they have free medical cover. Keep to the reasons the company is in business and why that interests you.
Why do you wish to leave your present employer?
Never criticize your present company or talk negatively about them. Keep to positive reasons you wish to change jobs. Wanting more experience and joining the market leader are more appropriate answers.
If you are currently unemployed don't try to hide the fact. Always be honest and have and have an answer prepared for why you are unemployed. It's not uncommon in the current economic times so don't be ashamed of it. Once again never criticize your former employer and try to appear optimistic and ready for new challenges.
What are your current responsibilities?
Think about your current or former job and make a list of what you were responsible for. Don't just read from your resume. Your potential employer has a copy of that. Reword it and and a few more points of interest.
Do you have any questions for us?
Always prepare some questions in advance to ask them. Keep to the actual job, it's responsibilities and what the company is planning for the future. Never ask questions that make you sound lazy or not concerned with the work. Questions about flexible working hours, vacation and sick pay don't impress potential employers.
Remember that with a phone interview you can have notes to jog your memory. Don't try to talk for a long time. Answer the questions carefully but keep it short and to the point.
All interviews can be stressful but remember the person on the other end of the line is probably not too comfortable either. Always remember to be polite, positive and thank them at the end of the call.
Preparing for Phone Interview Questions puts you ahead of the crowd and gives you a much greater chance of success.
Let's face it. There are a lot of unemployed and few jobs going so preparing for your phone interview will put you ahead of the crowd. Most people are lazy and don't prepare for the interview. That gives you a great advantage.
Here are some common questions to expect.
Tell us a little about yourself.
This is the standard warming up question. Just remember this isn't an invitation to tell your life story. They don't want to hear about your love of football and choice of music. Keep to your job experience and responsibilities. You can finish off with a little more personal information if you wish.
Why do you wish to work for the new company?
You must know something about the new company. Spend a little time looking into it and think of some good reasons you'd like to work there. Try and keep them to benefits of the company's business and not things that would be good for you.
Companies don't like to hear you want to work for them because you live nearby and wouldn't have to commute across town or because they have free medical cover. Keep to the reasons the company is in business and why that interests you.
Why do you wish to leave your present employer?
Never criticize your present company or talk negatively about them. Keep to positive reasons you wish to change jobs. Wanting more experience and joining the market leader are more appropriate answers.
If you are currently unemployed don't try to hide the fact. Always be honest and have and have an answer prepared for why you are unemployed. It's not uncommon in the current economic times so don't be ashamed of it. Once again never criticize your former employer and try to appear optimistic and ready for new challenges.
What are your current responsibilities?
Think about your current or former job and make a list of what you were responsible for. Don't just read from your resume. Your potential employer has a copy of that. Reword it and and a few more points of interest.
Do you have any questions for us?
Always prepare some questions in advance to ask them. Keep to the actual job, it's responsibilities and what the company is planning for the future. Never ask questions that make you sound lazy or not concerned with the work. Questions about flexible working hours, vacation and sick pay don't impress potential employers.
Remember that with a phone interview you can have notes to jog your memory. Don't try to talk for a long time. Answer the questions carefully but keep it short and to the point.
All interviews can be stressful but remember the person on the other end of the line is probably not too comfortable either. Always remember to be polite, positive and thank them at the end of the call.
Preparing for Phone Interview Questions puts you ahead of the crowd and gives you a much greater chance of success.
Human Resources - Structure, Functions, And More...
Every successful organisation or business has a HR department that functions effectively. This is because the most valuable assets of any company are its employees. If you ensure that you have a good HR department in place, you will already have invested in your employees’ welfare and in doing so, made a big investment in the growth potential of your business. HR departments deal with a number of different issues that are critical to the running of any company such as recruitment, retention of employees and selection procedures etc. As a company grows, there will always be a need to hire new people in order to deal with increased output and so on.
However, it is critical to ensure that you hire the right kind of people that are suited to the job and identify with the overall philosophy of the company. As such, you need to be very careful about implementing the right kind of recruitment process for your organisation. The recruitment officers need to be very mindful of any vacant positions as well as the individual qualifications and requirements that are required to fill that vacancy. Additionally, there needs to be a clear training program in place that will enable new employees to find their footing. Lastly, there needs to be a clear set of policies that dictate everything from employee expectations and requirements to appraisal cycles and redundancy clauses.
However, it is critical to ensure that you hire the right kind of people that are suited to the job and identify with the overall philosophy of the company. As such, you need to be very careful about implementing the right kind of recruitment process for your organisation. The recruitment officers need to be very mindful of any vacant positions as well as the individual qualifications and requirements that are required to fill that vacancy. Additionally, there needs to be a clear training program in place that will enable new employees to find their footing. Lastly, there needs to be a clear set of policies that dictate everything from employee expectations and requirements to appraisal cycles and redundancy clauses.
Human Resources
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