I was reading a book by investment guru Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing) last week, when I came across these sections that I’ve quoted here below. I found them inspiring, on the one hand, and “provocatively” challenging, on the other.
1. The key to staying young is to decide what you want to be when you grow up, and then growing up. Nothing is more tragic than to see people who have sold themselves short on what is possible for their lives.
They try to live frugally, scrimping and saving, and they think that is being financially smart. In reality it is financially limiting…and it shows up in their faces and in their attitude in life the older they get.
Most people spend their lives mentally caged in financial ignorance. They begin to look like wild animals trapped in small cages at the zoo. They just pace back and forth wondering what happened to the life they once knew.
One of the most important discoveries people can make by taking the time to learn how to plan is to find out what is financially possible for their lives.
2. Since most people have not been taught how to make mistakes and learn from them, they either avoid mistakes altogether, which is a bigger mistake or they make a mistake but fail to find the lesson from the mistake.
3. In school you are considered smart if you don’t make mistakes. On the street, you are smart only if you make mistakes and learn from them.
What I can say to you today: "Check out your road before you embark on your journey."
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Sunday, August 31, 2008
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Be the Change you so much Seek
Has it ever occurred to you that the change that you so much seek could and should first start with you? This simply means that for you to feel and experience the change you so much hanker after, you need to do something. There’s nothing for nothing.
In essence it boils down to creating the right atmosphere to attract that very “precious” change.
But the sad thing is that only few people are ready to accept the change to start with them. They believe that change will only come from the outside.
This kind of attitude is not one that is carried by people who change (and affect) their surroundings and situations. People who are “changers” know that for their situations and circumstances to change, they have to “change” first.
They have to change:
· How they look at things i.e. their perceptions have to change.
· How much attention they are willing to give to their situation.
· Whom they blame when they fail or when things do no go as they had planned. They have to be ready to “shoulder the blame” and see how best to solve the “problem”. They also try to work out means and ways of preventing the situation from recurring.
· How they receive everything that comes their way. They ask themselves, “What do I learn from this situation? How can I work it out to my advantage?”
· How they see people. They have to realize that people are the greatest resource ever “invented”.
· How they treat people. They have to realize that you cannot “bully” people into action and expect things to run smoothly. People love to be respected for who they are. People also perform excellently when they are assured that they are trusted.
These are just some few pointers that I have learnt in my daily experiences and association with my colleagues and friends. I hope that you find them eye openers. I believe that you people out there have so much more to add to this list. Please feel free to share your “eye openers” with us.
P.S. Here are some quotes on CHANGE that I came across recently :
· Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. – George Bernard Shaw
· Things do not change; we change. – Thoreau
· You cannot change people but you can channel them your way. – Hal Stabbins
· Everything changes continually. What is history indeed but a record of change? And if there had been no changes in the past, there would have been little of history to write. –M. Gandhi
· Progress is a nice word. But change is its motivator and change has its enemies. – Robert F. Kennedy
· The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order. – Alfred North Whitehead
· Change yourself if you wish to change the world. – The Mother
· Change is not made without inconvenience, even from worse to better. – Richard Hooker
In essence it boils down to creating the right atmosphere to attract that very “precious” change.
But the sad thing is that only few people are ready to accept the change to start with them. They believe that change will only come from the outside.
This kind of attitude is not one that is carried by people who change (and affect) their surroundings and situations. People who are “changers” know that for their situations and circumstances to change, they have to “change” first.
They have to change:
· How they look at things i.e. their perceptions have to change.
· How much attention they are willing to give to their situation.
· Whom they blame when they fail or when things do no go as they had planned. They have to be ready to “shoulder the blame” and see how best to solve the “problem”. They also try to work out means and ways of preventing the situation from recurring.
· How they receive everything that comes their way. They ask themselves, “What do I learn from this situation? How can I work it out to my advantage?”
· How they see people. They have to realize that people are the greatest resource ever “invented”.
· How they treat people. They have to realize that you cannot “bully” people into action and expect things to run smoothly. People love to be respected for who they are. People also perform excellently when they are assured that they are trusted.
These are just some few pointers that I have learnt in my daily experiences and association with my colleagues and friends. I hope that you find them eye openers. I believe that you people out there have so much more to add to this list. Please feel free to share your “eye openers” with us.
P.S. Here are some quotes on CHANGE that I came across recently :
· Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. – George Bernard Shaw
· Things do not change; we change. – Thoreau
· You cannot change people but you can channel them your way. – Hal Stabbins
· Everything changes continually. What is history indeed but a record of change? And if there had been no changes in the past, there would have been little of history to write. –M. Gandhi
· Progress is a nice word. But change is its motivator and change has its enemies. – Robert F. Kennedy
· The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order. – Alfred North Whitehead
· Change yourself if you wish to change the world. – The Mother
· Change is not made without inconvenience, even from worse to better. – Richard Hooker
Food for Thought
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Pointing out the fingers at others.....

We all are well known to this thing. If we get into some problems means, then suddenly we will start to point out the fingers at others. If we are really a good worker means then we should have the courage to accept the mistake and we should have the responsibility, am I right? Our loyalty to the working organization will come to know only through these things. If we failed to do this and if we start to point out the others for our mistakes means then surely we are not fit to work any where.
You people just share it here, what you will do if you committed the mistake in your working organization?
In houston investment property is on a high, the reason home loans are not issued anymore, for the fear of bankruptcy. There was a similar situation when in dallas homes for sale were scarce because of the atlanta investment property, the reason people had started pulling out money of their life insurance.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Did you experienced ego problems in workplaces?

Consider evaluating your language-do you use "I" and "Me" repeatedly in even short conversations? This sends a very clear message to your workmates that you are completely focused on yourself and your ego is running the show. If your language is all about "I did this" and "I think this" then you are not leaving a door open for inclusion or being part of a team. People may actually avoid working with you because they do not feel like there is room for their contributions since your ego is so massive.
What you think about this problem in the workplace?
Sunday, August 24, 2008
How far blogging changed our life?

Now a days many people have started blogging as a part time entertainment and a time pass for them. Many are using this medium as a way to express their thoughts, ideas, feelings and so on. To say the truth blogging really changed many of our lives, every one should accept this, no one can ignore this quote right? You people just share it here how far it changed the life of yours. In what you people are using this medium to communicate with others. As a general question here I am asking one more thing, how far blogging will help us in the workplaces. For example if the employees are allowed to write their thoughts about the work in the respective blogs means, then it will help the company to resolve the problems easily right? What you think about this?
Friday, August 22, 2008
Olympics 2008 - Are you satisfied?

I hope that you all enjoyed this Olympics a lot as compared to other Olympics, right? As all we expected China secured the first place in the rankings and it showed that it is a very big giant in the sporting field. But how far this Olympics satisfied all of you? Because the reason for telling this is, through some of the sources that we all got some information that China had made some corruption things in the management and tried some thing useful through it to get more medals. But I am not sure how far this is true? Why many people are trying these kind of things to secure the winning place? We will just relate this post to our workplace environment. If some one tries to do some incorrect things in order to secure a good place in the organization means , what you will do by that time? It is practicing every where, but what to do we can't do any thing against it right?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Discipline in the Workplace

Many of us experienced these things in each and every organization. The thing that we are going to discuss here is the kind of disciplinary things that should be carried out in the workplace. we have to come up across various kind of problems that are related to discipline, especially in the workplaces that we are currently working. A slight change in our disciplinary will result in various problems either external or internal, in many angles.
Some examples of misconduct are,
- Excessive tardiness
- Failure to notify of an absence
- Insubordination
- Rude or abusive language in the workplace
- Failure to follow “Departmental Rules or Policies ”, i.e., not wearing safety equipment, not following correct cash handling procedures
- Dishonesty
- Theft
What you think about this?
Monday, August 18, 2008
How far couselling helps?

Today many people are suffering from mental stress, because of the more working hours in working places. Due to this they are not able to concentrate in their daily routines like food, health , sleep and so on. In order to come out from the mental stress the only solution is "Counseling". Now a days many organizations are adapted into this methodology to relieve the employees from the problems like mental stress and so on. But how far it helps the people to get relieved from the mental stress and so on. The answer is ....? The sad part is many people make use of it in a different way and trying to earn from it. This in turn is spoiling other good counselors name, right? You people just share here how far it is important in an organization?
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Sex in working place - Is it acceptable?

Here we will discuss some thing interesting about a very much controversial topic "Having Sex in Working place". These kind of stupid things are happening in many places regardless of any thing. Especially in IT companies these things are happening, because of the lack of proper co-operation and much carelessness. No one is bothering about the surrounding people and so on. If those people have separate places to do it means then, why should they involve into such things? Are they mad? Are they don't have any common sense? What you think about this?
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Are you earning or not?

Although forex does not assume that san diego investment property is a large one, but still allows unsecured loans like the new york mortgage loans as well as the san antonio mortgage loans.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Money or Love - Which one you like?

Saturday, August 02, 2008
More and more hectic working hours - Is it spoiling our heath?

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