Inside many of us the main thing that plays a major role while working in organizations is
Ego. Many people experienced lots of problems through this. If you are feeling like you need to receive credit and notice for every idea and contribution you make to the workplace-you may be letting your ego get carried away. While making sure that your efforts are appreciated and acknowledged is a good thing-if you're insisting upon taking credit (and having everyone else GIVE you that credit) for every suggestion, idea, and piece of work you do-that's a bit much. Sharing some of that "credit" with the team or your colleagues will help you to build alliances and build a reputation for being a "team player."
Consider evaluating your language-do you use "I" and "Me" repeatedly in even short conversations? This sends a very clear message to your workmates that you are completely focused on yourself and your ego is running the show. If your language is all about "I did this" and "I think this" then you are not leaving a door open for inclusion or being part of a team. People may actually avoid working with you because they do not feel like there is room for their contributions since your ego is so massive.
What you think about this problem in the workplace?
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