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Monday, September 22, 2008

>> Creating a Positive Work Environment

Three tips for creating a respectful work environment with little gossip:

1) Make sure that there is enough work to keep everyone busy. This is a big problem in many workplaces today. There was a recent survey done in which it was shown that employees are wasting large amounts of time at work either on the internet or socializing or doing personal business. The biggest reason is not that workers are trying to get away with not putting in a day's work for a day's pay. The biggest reason for wasting time cited by workers was that they do not have enough to do! The old saying is that "idle hands are the devil's workshop." Those who do not have enough to do often end up causing trouble of one sort or another;

2) Managers' actions speak louder than their words. Managers who engage in manipulative strategies to advance in their careers will not be believed when they urge those who work under them not to do so. Employees takes their cues from what their managers do, not what they say; and

3) The key from the worker's perspective is to be clear on what he or she hopes to achieve with the job. If the worker is pursuing specific and motivating career advancement goals, his or her focus will be on the job. If he or she has lost enthusiasm for the job but remains at it out of fear of taking a chance on something new, his or her attention will wonder to unconstructive social interactions and intrigues.

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